Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag
what news VA dorkusafesto so as green libertarian independents flexing speed o' lightning sound uh zap
(...yawn that Beauucannonyon gives gr8 McLaugh'in!) as to this way allowance for Libralfedisms of Jeffersonian Thomas and Martha to Ikeaonservative inclusive intercontinentaly with prereserves as to what sort of man not burning bras big but recycling natural combustionengine fume emissions
of mufflerplug expenses inasurance funding for renudirectdeplho(a)rding just a given invisidrivle via press forces corpses fashion guidenance enforceminty nominal charges plus reexpensery billing parade tolltax cookie desserts jars preresolicited a thing all rage by proslettiztiuitiontion onlieline medical and learnin' usuryistries nevermind descisions on fraud to taxpaeyr preventative potential time and budget cost overunning redress reimbursement disbarment impeachy flavored teas...
Birthday props as well Mr. SelleckSEXY (nu sexy perfect future every thing sexy- pleasure to accept foreing currency/food-all here SEXY: SEXY cornsyrup, SEXY online studentloansales, resexy regovernance without represent8tion, or reproconcussion apparently oh hold it- SEXY concussion-re so then openin' 4 SEXY atrocity...)
kids try at homeschool farmmortgage regovernfianancy eats for free Newt "Pepcifeefree" Gingrich party pic-a-tarot under Virginia's johnnymojojojojujujojo Thomasaur PooPG&e terrieraced hill brainsdrED "we-ness" all good cam coverage just not with FEMA in Haiti or Kobe reason hmmm...aum
Tea rhymes with taxes better for business horded for corps recovery now with re occup8ion of Terrys with terriers in terrariums @ Terrace hill what must more needs bes?Ever tiresome looking to secure white collar crime from halls of Terrace Hill free to remember '80'S framers banking administration higher ed and current railbike to powerfreeconmedia compare clothing college of business sports staystuned and pay for online loaneducaion grooming for unelected officialdom of coaching not a voting statistic harmed how clean your future kids with prisoncasino prosthesis crack rendering warmtonight before chucrh soup with UI Sally moustache gone wild
Corporate subsidized tuition-raising adminstr8ive solicitations tax-fueled and not even yet not near recidivist re-governator conflicting with Terrace of the hill Terry w/or w/o terriers all swine avian Nile viral innund8ing young minds hope don't go panhandling could get tickets 4 that and forget smelling of combustion emmisions by end of day as real 2nd hand helth lethality from tha t one winston ultralight not gallons of near invisible fumes at any given moment some kinda special effect like art office pay rise entrappment and armed badge-w/firearm bearing 19-yr old hall monitor bucking promoting n name of security mentally challenging institutional paranoia how fiscally sound GORNPC
opt.A.): WWCD C= "cult of choice" (decide UTAH!) always homeschool U loans with Sally's moustacheCult conscriptors seek nu-titherstea international sports big game winnins in tax fuor here block ownride to hospital after blowing upfeet with train cancelations
all eternia but keep direct deposit to use young minds starved services outta luff and tither cult conscriptioningss in taxed service facilities all ethimoralscs TEAMLAMPSHADEgee officer soldier that equiptment ever tiresome looking to secure white collar crime from halls of Terrace Hillrailbike to powerfreeconmedia compare clothing college of business sports staystuned and pay for online loaneducaion grooming
for unelected officialdom of coaching not a voting statistic harmed how clean your future kids with prisoncasino prosthesis crack rendering warmtonight before church soup with UI Sally moustache gone wild
innund8ing young minds hope don't go panhandling could get tickets 4 that and forget smelling of combustion e-admissions by end of day as real 2nd hand health lethality from that Onewinston ultralight not gallons of near invisible fumes at any given moment some kinda special effect like art office pay rise entrappingminty and armed badge-w/firearm bearing 19-yr old hall monitor bucking promoting n name of mentally challenging institutional paranoia security how fiscally sound GORNPC indusdiscorporate subcommitsidized tuition-raising adminstr8ive solicitations tax-fueled and not even yet not near recidivist re-governator conflicting with Terrace of the hill Terry'w/o/r/or terriers all swine avian Nile viral opt.A.): WWCD C= "cult ofchoice" (decide UTAH!)
as break legs to sell crutches but no foreign legion to cruel plus where new prison casino rendering charges without pin the stink on any partycult long as makes avidity to witchunt/punish equal with men by equality and special girl riterules not lazy there now cocktails boys pay and not only that take loyalty oaths in case KongKing stares at hot butts then safe to leave babies with while shopping for pompoms though train state co-opt w/neighbors to East and Nebraska to west on Municipal power not near prison casino ass render since '70's could just
kill fiscal responsabilities of GORNPC tough on recidivism glitterati with fresh budget surplus to Hooverize and blame Hilary for not taking time to explain floss to Orin Hatch's supporters mymy all desire 2 aquireNOW nine yars or fourscore decades ago-go for nupurfixsexyhiprapstahrentitling control for crackhousing expenses over higher ed years of lifetime...
should cerebral activity outsource legal performance lethality though known to prevent Anurahalazeimers spark intro quantum warmups ecology+pacific rim~Magellan~So.Cal~Anchorage~Guangzhou~Bombay
tea/milkshake breaking and commiserations/executive beatings/pizza decent eats refreshments perhaps watersliding and great office views for ooh look time
spostasbees for/aft moustache tough recidivist cookie jar crumb creditsnatcher (french infinitive midwestern for spanish scholastians wherevah "to creditsnatch" c'est possiblement ) in blue bakery ribbon state fair since Union Secretary of Agriculture postgovernorshipping success'r the reterrier formal occupliar guestimations inadmin w/microphone while Haiti and Kobe sift thru FEMA aftermath w/Abramoffet big contributary collar blanche treatment and handling how could recidivist tough on crime direct depostit Pac\Lobby regovernator make repos look bad all with eye-of-gekkodiletears (teirs on terraces too easy clue bueller/anyone) gangrieenwitchhuntry bigbiz by cutting travel/travel small ma/pa gov.savings in for more tax fueled GORNPC image improroovenmenovationtos no applause