Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag

Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Mercury Day! Now as for the big bag of money dropping from sky; can't Pat Robotson's camp just trade a limo to get the guy a hat (like would ever notice)?

more numath for instance with 12 billionsquared dollar bills out there equals zero fuss  unless all spent on beauty products and car alarm alarms even with half-off muffler replacement assurance and alarmalarms to thwart alarm theives instead of nutrition distribution proper natural high percent of GNP going to promote and superenoble 7k minus 6.3k club studios if consent by default perfect nonsense for invisible responsible involvement feignists quizing all last 40 decades thru eternia then calculate rate for posterity hotcha
  hm  om  vroom  om


Tuesday, 29 June 2010

TARDZAN! Boat ship day! Too excited about fatigue, no txting while roadrage in constant motion,

Justice is not revenge.  Geek Navigators?    Shouldn't production for submursabubbles get underway (kept HR personel files (RIGHT?!!??!??!??????), for instances of  hurricane seasons upcoming around say Jefferson Parish, Detroit and/or every Tallahassee, General Motors, y'know for no anxiety laden human left offstarboard curved universe as peace not merely absence of warfare....FREE LISA BLUDER!  OMFG
    IT'S ALIVE  that a carrier group in pocket or just happy to have overpriced staff in hand akimo2 exorbitant amounts to as of relief fundage admin monies lavished in conjunction on air aspirant (heir posteritauntanaughnt?) for new admin office "real est8ure" or desk prime desk housingAfter 40years on taxpayertuitioncorpwelfarerecipientkickbackroll (what goes on kicking appendages?   No not Imeldiausse Marcofvagios' goalies but excellent guessattempt; no, not gradefixing writers' implements though one may wonder if copies of last years exam answers were in fact sold for this round of proverbial jeopardy, (anyone seen SGT. Bilko's copycat stalker?  & Where's that CPO Sharky?  Anyone?  Bueller? 

  Bueller?) then again always PED rage on bike at intersection petrol/combust engine no muffler replacement anygivenmoment to get at work fixing sparkplugs & carbs with young lady winston ultealite menthol bs legisL8ion to chase for employment porpoises indeed EH (that's MEH en Anglaise)

  hm  om  vroom  om


Monday, 28 June 2010

ANOTHER braNUperfect MONDAY hotcha with rent due and NOPAY until 3rd go figure

Primary Birthday props naturally Sirs To the Stellar Awesome Mel Brooks

and John Cusack with many much more which observe what reports again
though for uncertain how pict of Bill Maher got in there, look-alikeness mix up in photolab mayhaps? Kidding! Kidding!  There,

better...which observe what reports regarding Tuesday next
little L8 to claim wrong department or incompetence wrong dept so where other calndronnmetricdar GOP so promising on all efforts cease because image value  rececessionarily self repressing retarding recidivisincisor supported again folks may talk
could imagine being  party of Opra in O-oaffful
officialitude course always nonflushing boomarang turd party...
  hm  om  vroom  om


Sunday, 27 June 2010

Myth, myth...

yeth yeth yeth   

  hm  om  vroom  om


Saturday, 26 June 2010

That's y ain't a'gonna be here when gone know...

kids these times and all the techwork non-apriori didn't have to give's hell can't invent own super colliders like decent society in '30's
clear as mud re-elect NIMBY


Thursday, 24 June 2010

...Numpin'...but grizzlelduh(ahhhhh)uhhhh&wh'evuhm...{(... Buelle({sp??){{r

"butmummy whereirdo blue hairskycuts fart4repthe GOP all wet'n'lumpy puhaghetti'n'?"  Is there a FOX First Federal Church of Sweet 10lb One-ounce Baby Jesus United
and the Nice Quite Types Backup Pipe Organ Holy Angelic Hosting Choir and who woudahn't have want of that action cast first stone cart for stone chance behind horsie on runway to wi'rn shame thus sayeth shame cfzar viaunto optsfr to whineyhzeebubba twice shame shameguaurele can't double shame a triple shame just a throw'na stone corneraway eh
l hm  om  vroom  om


like kittens where asset/surplus annihilation to regovpension seal abuse business stable preschool

like kittens where asset/surplus annihilation to regovpension seal abuse business stable preschool
solicitorphesus egg chickening reimbursment fraudsponsibility

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