Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
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Thursday, 28 May 2009


Save some headache by addressing all solicitations, spam, or anything grafted to eff with homesteadland security depositry acting or whatnot to IC3.gov or local attorney general's(') office(s) t'nkUveddymujch

flashback: scroll down & look in "archives" for happy fun enginering times from Sunday, April 6, 2008-hold that thought to compare with fond memories of arguing about bills and revolving credit fulcrums in relatin to campainging expendaturization or would advoctes out there in legal and not so legal worlds prefer doctoral thesis (non-Elvonic studies) around athletic enforced entertainment and propagatorial bonus ringtones in libraries being treated like summer camp for potential hockey moms' fathers' great-grandsons and all the men learning to share the roadrage in the land of the gone wild videotaper? Juxtapose with cult recruitment strategy and historical conscription practice.
Heard of the stuttering "monster" project in administrative colloquims and teacher compensations of graduate studies costs? You don't care.

Saturday, 9 May 2009

Returns of the sons Happy Mothers' Day wishes (optional)

This year; 2 free admissions to check out the sadistic institutional paranoia amongst los communisticos del business vatos amigos locos bobos gatos . Ehrm. Not-so funny after being all AWOL from GITMO-just leaving it at Happy Mothers' Day!! then. There! In coments below are there HMD's from All 50? Here's a primer: Happy Mothers' Day wishes IA to an' a-fro'! After all the chicken moppins & corn pokey Horse D'ouvers for the applepie negotiations, you mums is da bestest, HOTCHA!

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