....kinda like when the Stones won that one superbowl likewise with Tom Petty and The Boss instead of the referees and solicitors , likewise T. Petty and the Boss instead of referees and solicitors with that one play.... ....or when there was 21:23 left in the Library of Congress Gershwin award ceremony and that one guy shows up
....would it kill Mr. Knorxal'il to do a zitspin on a cinema of a post '20's t.v. show? Not nescecelery Welcome Taxi Back Chico; maybe Adam Sanford and Rockford-12 or sumphin'...
....any clips of K. Rover and G. Snufflesmurfapoppopipkisinhaurocletes in leather? Tea Shake-n'Bizaker keep yer paw outta this as the exploits of the adventures of Philiiy "Da Cheezebombadeir v-P.O.S.S." Jizzonez are legendary after what you've done at or should I say to young minds of higher learning at the U of Hawkeye-owa, eh? Bueller? Bueller??