Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
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Monday, 23 June 2008

More Photos Upcoming (don't sweat it, they're adorable~real "lib" stuff Rushmike "Dinky Ann" O'Limbcoaugheyagherulter will wana put dance music to

1) How do you hide an elephant in a strawberry patch?
2) What did the elephants say when they spotted Tarzan coming over the hill?
(Answers below letter to Architectural Digest Editor published JUN08 [not mine~just though it pertaining])

Elephant in the garage

The latest Record Houses, as usual, provides much stimulation, thankfully with some attention paid to “environmental sustainability.” What is missing, however, is a serious discussion about the elephant in the garage, either shown or implied in almost all of the plans, and which is necessary to make this housing type possible. Offering solutions to the question of climate change while ignoring the elephant is as deluded as the wishful thinking that it can be powered by electric, solar, hydrogen, biodiesel, or some other fuel source. Consider a future issue with houses where elephants are not required.

Rob Grant
Vancouver, Canada

1) Paint it's toenails red

2) "Hey! Here comes Tarzan!"

Bonus round: What did the Elephants say when they spotted Tarzan coming over the hill wearing sunglasses? Nothing~unrecognize-a-bubble.

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